Green cleaning has been a huge trend over the last decade and Modern Maids feels the importance to offer it complimentary on all cleans if desired. Some companies charge extra for this service. But why charge extra for something that is so important to customers? There are so many customers out there in Dallas and Austin that don’t have the extra time to keep their homes clean and tidy. However, due to allergies or other underlying reasons, their options are limited. We hope that we can be the solution to their problem. Not everyone requires green cleaning, but we do not want to exclude potential customers that do. There are many benefits to being green while you clean and we will further discuss some of them below.
Green Cleaning is Safe for Kids & Pets
One of the top reasons that Modern Maids provides a green cleaning service for our customers is because we want to make sure your family and pets are safe. You might be asking yourself – why are green cleaning products safer? Green cleaning products are safer for several reasons. The biggest reason is that most of them are pant based meaning they are also non-toxic cleaners. Say for example you’re a mother and cleaning your house with a green non-toxic cleaner and you take your eye off your child and they ingest part of the product. Although this will be scary in general you won’t have to worry about them getting sick or other long-term health hazards. Accidentally leave your mop bucket out while you run to the restroom and come back to your dog drinking the water? No problem because it is non-toxic. They might not feel great but there will be no long term effects. Another reason green cleaning products are safer is that they are biodegradable which is great for the environment.
Green Cleaning Products are Easier to Use
Whether you own a house or rent an apartment you probably have a bucket of cleaning supplies somewhere in your home for the occasional cleaning even if it is between your regular maid services. In that bucket you probably have ten plus specialty products: Windex, stainless steel, toilet bowl cleaner, general cleaner, floor products, bleach, and the list goes on and on. Well if you were to go to a green cleaning service then all you would need is one product to clean it all. In general, green cleaning supplies come in a concentrate that allows you to dilute and make your own spray bottles according to what you need. Need a stronger cleaner to remove some stains? No problem just add some more of the concentrate to give that extra kick. Need to clean mirrors or glass? No problem either just dilute the formula further with more water. Just make sure to follow the instructions on the cleaning product because each one slightly varies. All in all green cleaning supplies are highly beneficial in saving you space, time and money!
Prevent Allergies with Green Cleaning
People with asthma prefer green cleaning products because they are natural and non-toxic. Conventional cleaning products have harsh chemicals in them that may harm your breathing and trigger asthma symptoms. Products that are plant-based are natural and won’t trigger these symptoms.
Thieves Household Cleaner and Simple Green
Two universal products that we recommend are Thieves Household Cleaner and Simple Green. Both of these products are fantastic to use in pretty much every spot of your home.
Simple Green is a little more accessible and easy to find than the Thieves Household Cleaner. You can pick up Simple Green at most of your local grocery stores such as Kroger or Tom Thumb. If you don’t have these in your neighborhood you are in luck because Home Depot and Lowes both sell simple green in pre-made bottles and in bulk.
Thieves Household Cleaner
Thieves Household Cleaner is harder to find because it is not sold in retail locations. The only way to buy Thieves Household Cleaner is online at the young living website. If you become a member you can receive discounts on the household cleaner as well as other non-toxic items they sell such as soaps and laundry detergents. Thieves is a desirable product for green cleaning services because it is a versatile product that you can use from cleaning inside the oven to cleaning any types of floors. In fact, Modern Maids has received some amazing customer testimonials about how shining and sparkly customers floors are left.
Bon Ami Powder Cleanser
Another great product for green cleaning services is Bon Ami Powder Cleanser. This is another non-toxic cleaner that is great for sinks, showers, and stovetops. Just like the simple green, this is a retail product, meaning you can access this at your neighborhood mart. Bon Ami has been around for many years and works great removing stains because it is an abrasive powder.
Lastly, another magical product that is great for green cleaning services is the Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. These literally work like magic removing dirt and stains from walls and bathtubs. Don’t throw out your back scrubbing so hard. Simply grab a magic eraser and use half the effort.
Why Green Services are Important
Whether you fully offer 100% green cleaning on every service or offer it as an add on service we have seen why it is so important. You never want to exclude potential customers from selecting your service. We want to better the environment as a whole and keep striving to make the world a better place that isn’t filled with toxic chemicals. You also want your pets and children to be safe. There might be those times you accidentally lose track when watching them and never know where they’ll end up or what kind of havoc they might be accidentally trying to cause. But with green cleaning products such as Simple Green, Thieves Household Cleaner, Bon Ami and Mr Clean Magic Erasers you wont have to sweat if you find them in the cleaning cabinet. They might not even be able to find the cleaning cabinet now that you’ll be saving all that space with your slimed down supplies.
For a deep clean of your home with green products, contact Modern Maids of Dallas and Austin today!