It’s challenging to eliminate dust. However, it is possible to cut down significantly on the dust in your home. You can keep the dust at bay with careful decoration and regular cleaning or maid services.
Dust is something that will follow you around no matter where you go. It gathers on the TV stand, on bookshelves, in the corners, and beneath the couch. Without proper upkeep, dust can quickly become a significant problem in any home.
If you despise cleaning up dust bunnies once every few weeks, you can stop them from forming in the first place.
Why does dust form?
The proportion of various allergens to total house dust varies widely. It’s usually dust, dead skin, or fibers from old clothes, but it may be anything that dries up and sheds.
The dust in your home probably comes from various sources, including books, carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture, fireplace, and pets. Dust can be brought inside by multiple sources, including dirt, pollen, smoke residue, exhaust, sand, and more.
Dust also serves as a prime breeding ground for various microorganisms, including molds, bacteria, and dust mites. It may seem like a losing battle, but keeping your home dust-free is essential.
How to Prevent Dust from Forming: The Basics
Tip #1. Make Sure All Windows Are Closed
Always keep windows closed if you do not want outside follicles to enter your home. Think about all the dirt and grime that would build up on your window sill from car exhaust and road debris.
Windows are a common place for dust to build. Therefore You should take any measures you take to keep the dust outside.
Living in the heart of a city means you’re probably going to have a faster dust accumulation rate; thus, ensuring you keep your windows closed is vital.
Tip #2. Enforce a Strict “No Shoes Inside” Policy
A no-shoes policy is another great way to stop dust from settling in the first place. This not only lessens the amount of dirt in the household but also lessens the number of bacteria, viruses, and lead that enter the house.
You must adhere to this rule to maintain the cleanliness and sanitization of your houses if you reside with infants and young children.
Tip #3. Keep Your Air Conditioner’s Filter Clean
Remember to wash your air conditioner’s filter before and after each summer. If you regularly clean your filter, you can avoid a buildup of the too small amount of dust.
In addition, if you are diligent about AC maintenance and a clean filter, your unit will function at its peak for a more extended period and prevent dust accumulation.
Tip #4. Make Keeping the Floor a Priority
While concrete floors tend to keep dust to a minimum, carpets and rugs are much more prone to do the opposite and release it into the air. Regular vacuuming is the most effective way to reduce the dust in the air if you can’t get rid of the carpet.
Dust levels are reduced when a carpet is removed, but hard floors still need to be cleaned with a moist mop at least once a week to reduce the number of dust particles.
Tip #5. Wash and Change Linens Every Week
Dust mites, which feed on dead skin cells, are most numerous in warm, humid places like bedrooms and baths. You can remove dust mites and allergies from bedding, towels, and bath mats by washing them on a weekly basis.
Use protective covers for your pillows and mattress to keep dust mites at bay. While this won’t keep things dust-free, it will reduce the number of dust mites.
Tip #6. Find the Sources of Dust Accumulations
Some household surfaces are notorious dust magnets. You probably can’t or don’t want to get rid of them entirely, but you should still know what they are so you can regularly clean them or replace them.
- While leather and unupholstered furniture collect and release follicles, fabric upholstery does much better.
- Blinds and other bulky window coverings are worse at keeping dust out than light, washable curtains.
- Unlike natural plants, which may be easily cleaned with a shower, dust tends to stick to artificial ones.
- Dense, faux-fur throws are dust magnets, but light, silky ones won’t collect nearly as much.
Tip #7. Let Go of the Clutter in Your Home
Dust is accumulating on everything in plain sight in our house. You can reduce the number of dust collectors you clean once a week by removing things you no longer need or use and displaying collections behind glass.
Remember to take a look inside your closets. Put the clothing in a washable, airtight storage bag if you intend to keep it.
Managing Dust: A Guide for Pet Owners
All pet owners face danger from these so-called dust bunnies. Although it’s impossible to eliminate furballs from your home, here are a few strategies that will significantly reduce dust particles and their likelihood of settling in your space.
Tip #1. Start by Giving Them a Healthy Diet
While all pets will shed at some point, those given high-quality, balanced foods will have healthier coats and shed only as much as is typical for their breed. You should talk to your vet if your pet is a heavy shedder.
It may indicate a more serious health issue if the cause cannot be traced back to the pet’s diet or breed. It’s best to inquire at routine veterinary checkups.
Tip #2. Outdoor Pet Play Is Recommended
Spend a little more time rubbing and petting your pet while you lay with it outside to encourage shedding while it’s in the fresh air. When you bring my dogs inside, they shed like crazy. You may give my fur babies a good rub as they shed a lot of fur.
Tip #3. Groom Your Pets Regularly
Keeping your pet well-groomed will reduce the amount of shed fur in your home. The first step in combing my dogs and cats is to use a metal comb to get rid of loose hair and even flea eggs.
After that, brush with gentle bristles gives them a soothing sensory massage. After each use, clean the tools you use to groom your fur babies.
Tip #4. Wash Them To Reduce Dust and Fur Accumulations
The shedding cycle of indoor cats might last all year. If your cat is one of the many that dislikes getting a bath, you can ease their discomfort by wrapping them in a warm, damp washcloth.
Dogs should get a shampoo bath once every two months, while cats, especially those who live outdoors, should be wet-washed off once weekly.
Tip #5. Invest in a Good Air Purifiers
A top-notch air purifier can help alleviate allergy symptoms by eliminating airborne particles. Some are made specifically to minimize fur dander and improve air quality.
You can buy affordable air purifiers and significantly use their benefits over time.
Tip #6. Wipe Surfaces off With a Damp Cloth
Since a dry rag only moves the dust about, it is useless if you want the dust and fur to stay put—dust with a damp microfiber rag.
Tip #7. Shake Pet Beds and Couch Cushions in the Open Air
The sheer volume of dead skin cells and dander that inhabit your pliable surfaces would shock you. If you don’t want a snowball effect of dust bunnies, beat your carpets, cushions, and pets’ beds outside.
Tip #8. Change Your Sheets Weekly
Your bed may become a breeding ground for unpleasant organisms if your pets are the jumping-on-the-bed variety. It is recommended to give bed sheets a weekly washing to lessen the accumulation of skin particles tracked onto floors and carpets.
Tip #9. Vacuum Frequently and Make Sure To Reach All Corners and Crevices
By using a long nozzle attachment on your vacuum, you can reach follicles hiding in the crevices of your furniture and collect dust. You and your children should be aware follicles under your couches could be pretty heavy, and you should take precautions to avoid breathing them in while playing and turn on the air purifier to wrap up your cleaning.
The Bottom Line: Prevent Dust the Right Way
Dust accumulations are inevitable anywhere you reside and in every corner of your house. If you want free yourself from thinking about a dusty home, you can follow these tips, get the right tools for cleaning, and make your hours worth it. You can also hire a cleaning service, such as Modern Maids, for a guaranteed spotless, dust-free home.